Draft goal:
1) To shut off the water while soaping up in the shower to conserve water.
2) To turn off the oven 5 to 15 mins before cook time runs out to allow food to cook without the use of electricity.
3) Cooking food in bulk to save for lunches or dinners in reusable containers to save on possible packing materials from eating out and energy to cook multiple meals.
S Specific goal:
1) I would like to save water by reducing shower times as well as reducing water use during the shower by only using it when needed by shutting it off during other cleaning processes. This is because the clean water on this planet is finite and needs to be conserved and used wisely.
2) I plan to save energy, by heating the oven and allowing it to run only part of the cooking time. I will then turn it off before those times are up, since food will continue to cook if no heat is lost by opening the door, saving both electricity and money.
3) I will also cook in bulk when possible to again save on electricity and possible wasteful packing materials on products that I would have otherwise purchased as a meal options. This also saves time cooking several meals. Reheating with a microwave uses a lot less energy than an oven.
M Measurable part of goal:
1) If I set a goal on how long I can shower for, such as 5 mins that will cut down on some of my water use but also by shutting off the water that will save more. However due to the fact water bills are combined with neighbors and is payed through the HOA it is hard to see how much money is saved or how many galleons if those are listed, being it represents all of us in this building stripe.
2) Using the 5 to 15 mins before cook time is up will show this and hopefully a decrease in our power bill.
3) I can tally how many meals I cooked in a week prior and then again in the weeks to follow and see if they are less that would indicate a decrease in meals made as long as groceries bought are used in the same amount of time as normal and no extra meals eaten also occur. These things could also be tallied to compare to make the results accurate. I hope to cut the amount of meals I cook in half.
A Attainable:
1) Yes it is not necessary to use as much water as I do to take a proper shower all that is needed is self-control. Where I shower is a small room with a stand up shower so heat loss is not an issue in winter months if the door is closed.
2) Things that have short cook times this may not be a feasible option but still manageable if closely watched.
3) Cooking in bulk should also be considered on products that can be kept for a few days otherwise things may spoil too quickly. Some things may not be the best choice for this process by a lot of meals could be converted to this method to conserve.
R Relevant:
1) Absolutely! Poor use of water today is a major problem that is going to have lasting effect to the environment and the sustainability of the future.
2) The use of fossil fuels for electricity is also polluting the planet in uncountable ways and the loss will also have long term effects for the worse in regards to Earth as a whole.
3) The waste put into landfills takes a great time to decompose as well as the heavy burden to the world to produce those materials that can’t ever be reverted back, as the saying goes we are just ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul.’
T Timely:
1) By measuring times spent in the shower using a stopwatch I hope to keep the average of shower use between 5 and 7 mins always.
2) I am going to set the timers on things that have longer cook times 5 to 15 minutes less then what is recommended always.
3) Using the same amount of groceries and eating the same amount of meals I want to cut the amount of meals I cook in half always.
Final Goal:
1) I want to always take on average a 5-7 minute shower to conserve water and energy heating the water.
2) I always want to use on average 5 to 15 minutes less time cooking every meal, that allows for it, in order to save time, energy and likewise money
3) I want to always cut down on the amount of meals I cook in a week by half to save on packing materials, time, energy and by extension money.