Food Audit
Why I choose food as my resource audit.
I choose this first because after seeing my pie when I did my ecological footprint and saw it was #2 on the list I was a little flustered. I consider myself pretty Eco conscience and in areas I thought I did bad I would try to make up in others such as service. For example when I used air travel I would bike for most of the year to counter act that. But then I saw that in an area I didn’t even think of how much of the impact that was and actuality one of the biggest culprits of large scale pollution. Needless to say I picked it first out of all of them because of that, though with all of the ideas this class and others have given me I fully intend on trying to improve all areas in short time.
What problems I have encountered.
I will be honest this will probably be one of my hardest to tackle. The reasons for that is well, I grew up on a farm. Not a dairy or crop farm, nope a meat farm. We had cows for food, chickens for both eggs and meat and even pigs from time to time. My uncle and helper with the farm is a butcher and my whole family hunt deer for meat. So yeah I like meat, A LOT. In fact I didn’t do much in the ways veggies until I met this current boyfriend 3 years ago, I’m 32…. Before that it was for every main meal mostly with the occasional broccoli, green bean or even corn but for the most part big slice of meat, starch and well one more starch like a dinner roll or garlic bread… Yeah I know. Terrible. But I am trying now! And will give it my all! As far as problems go cost mostly, local and organic and sustainability caught stuff cost a lot more. What surprises I found that even though they were more expensive was I could get a pretty well rounded shopping trip at Harmon's which carries a lot of that stuff. But even with all that I have had a hard time cutting down on that type of food but it’s still a work in progress. Watch this video and you will know my pain!